
How To Decode Php Files That Encoded By Zend Encoder

How To Decode Php Files That Encoded By Zend Encoder 8,4/10 8913 votes

Zend encoded scripts can't be decoded back into the original source code, it encodes a script after parsing it into ZIL ( Zend Intermediate Langage ) which can then be processed by the engine without the need to decode the code back into the source. May 17, 2013  The program was made in 2012 but it is still a very good solution for decoding ionCube encoded php files. The decoder is not perfect, it has errors but their percentage is very low. It supports the following types of encoding/encryption: • ionCube 1.x-6.x, • Zend 5.x, • Nu-Coder 2.x, • XCACHE and ALL PHP based encryptions.

Active6 years ago

We have a website maintained by an old employee and it appears it's encoded by Zend Guard including all backups.

I know a little about Zend Optimizer, but never considered it for source protection as I know in the end the bytecode will need to be decoded for the interpreter, and was sure people easily decode optimized files using some software.

Now I need to decode some files and I can't find anything but some 'paid services'. We have the ownership of the code and are locked out now for any changes and debugging. How can I decode our files back?

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2 Answers

The entire point of the very expensive software tool Zend Guard is to encrypt code so that it can not be decoded. That is the point.

If obfuscation is not on, then there is a possibility that you may be able to get a professional to get the code back, less comments and formatting by means of hacking the code engine. If obfuscation is on, then it's easier to rewrite it to be honest.

Have a read of this article from the Zend site, I know it is a biased source but they are right: http://forums.zend.com/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2242 /hp-520-driver-software-free-download.html.

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Free tools all over the place can do this now:


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Prevent reverse engineering through PHP encoding and obfuscation

How To Decode Php Files That Encoded By Zend Encoder Pro

You worked hard to develop your code. Now you need to protect it. Zend Guard's powerful encoding and obfuscation technologies prevent reverse engineering, copyright infringement and unauthorized modification of your code.
Encoding is a process where the PHP source code is converted to an intermediate machine readable format, just like PHP encryption. This format is hard for humans to read and convert back to source code. As a result it protects your code from casual browsing. This means that if people obtain access to your site's code they will not be able to use that for unintended purposes.
Obfuscation is a process where the code is intentionally made very hard to read as source code or as reverse engineered code. This obfuscation is designed to manage risks that stem from unauthorized access to source code. These risks include loss of intellectual property, ease of probing for application vulnerabilities and loss of revenue that can result when applications are reverse engineered, modified to circumvent licensing and then recompiled. Although reverse engineering always existed in computer software, it is especially important for in computing environments such as PHP which take advantage of dynamic processing of language elements rather than code which has been compiled into machine language before being deployed.

Protect your PHP code from unauthorized use

How To Decode Php Files That Encoded By Zend Encoder Products

Zend Guard's licensing capabilities allow Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to create a variety of licensing policies for their commercial PHP applications. The product supports most commonly used licensing models such as concurrent users, time limited, segment of network, or server specific licensing. These capabilities allow vendors to maximize their revenue by preventing unauthorized use.