How To Insert Update And Delete Using Php And Mysql
i need in one query use select, insert, delete and update.
(I need copy data from old table in to new, then delete old, and update another).
Insert and select (copy function I was able to, but now i have problem)
Insert, View, Edit, Delete Record in Database Using PHP is a very simple task given to php newbie to check about their knowledge in php. This add, list, edit and delete record operation uses all basic SQL queries (i.e., insert, select, update, delete). Jul 27, 2015 17 thoughts on “ Insert, View, Edit and Delete Record from Database Using PHP and MySQL ” Pingback: Simple User Registration & Login Script in PHP and MySQL HTML CSS PHP Tutorials dineshramitc.
I have this query:
user319854user3198544 Answers
You can't do it all in one query, but you can do it all in one transaction if you are using a transactional store engine (like InnoDB). This might be what you want, but it's hard to tell only using the information you provided in your question.
Ike WalkerIke WalkerMySQL
does not support MERGE
, so you'll have to do it in two queries:
, provided you have PRIMARY KEY (id)
in both tables.
In one query i dont think its possible.
You can try writing a Stored Procedure and using Triggers you may achieve that
zodzod/hp-deskjet-f380-driver-windows-10-64-bit.html. You can't combine Select/Update/etc into one query. You will have to write separate queries for each operation you intend to complete.